Embarrassment is temporary. But regret is forever.

So start before you're ready.

Everyone wants success. But most people aren’t willing to start down a path filled with unknowns unless they get a guarantee of success before they take that first step.

Such a guarantee does not exist.

The world is a messy place. With so many variables at play in complex systems - like in my world of Hollywood - it’s difficult to predict outcomes, especially when they are non-linear.

But the worst thing you can do is NOT start because you’re waiting for a guarantee your idea will work.

The embarrassment of starting and failing is temporary.

But the regret of not starting at all is forever.

So start before you’re ready.

Define What Success Looks Like For You.

One way to get more comfortable with starting before you feel ready is to define what success looks like to you.

For example, Tara and I just released our first two sketches online. You can find them on our TripTee TikTok page here.

The criteria of success for these sketches - and for any of our projects - is simple:

Did we create what we set out to create?

In other words, regardless of what people think of what we created, did we achieve what we set out to do?

With these two sketches, the answer is yes - even though the outcomes were very different.

Our first video got 735 views and three likes. Our second video got 3x the views (2,284) and 78x the likes (235). 

Different outcomes, but both successes in our minds.

Now, that doesn’t mean you ignore the outcome. It’s important feedback about how the world values what you’re doing. Use that feedback to improve.

For example, I have some ideas as to why the second video (“Motherhood vs. Party Girl”) did better than the first:

  • Quicker edits

  • Bigger / funnier characters

  • More obvious hook

This is info we can implement when we sit down to figure out what to shoot next.

So define success for yourself based on process. And then let the outcome be whatever it’s going to be and use that feedback to get better.

Embarrassment Is Temporary. Regret Is Forever.

It’s scary to put yourself out there.

I know because I’ve done it. I still get nervous sending out this newsletter because I want it to be great… and I’ve had a newsletter for over five years!

I’ve put myself out there and I’ve been bad. And I’ve been embarrassed.

For example, I recently read a few pages from the first draft of the first movie script Tara and I wrote. It’s cringy. It’s got potential, but we didn’t have the skills or knowledge we have today.

But we had to start there to get to where we are now…

Tara and I just had a meeting about our second movie script with our producer, and we were talking about the star actresses and massive comedy directors to send the script to first. That’s pretty cool.

Embarrassment is temporary. If you start and keep at it, you will get better.

Sure, there will be low points. There will be points where things don’t work out the way you want them to.

But when you look behind you and see how far you come, it will become clear getting through the cringe was worth it.

Because the embarrassment of trying and looking stupid doesn’t last forever.

The regret of never trying does.

So go make something. Be bad. Improve. Keep going.

And the outcome will take care of itself.

Thanks for reading.


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